Case Management Nurse Exam CMNE Test Preparation Study Guide

The Nursing Case Management certification indicates a higher level of specialization in the field of case management to help facilitate patient care in an effective manner. Nursing Case Managers work closely with patients and the healthcare team in order to ensure efficient care of the patient. Nursing Case Managers are employed in hospitals, federal and state institutions, and short and long-term care facilities.

Format Of Case Mangement Nurse Exam:

The exam consists of 125 questions of which 25 of the questions are used for pre-testing purposes only. Approximately one-quarter of the exam consists of questions that test the candidates knowledge of clinical practice, with the remaining exam focusing on case management and resource management concepts. There are also questions based on patient data and professional issues.

The following areas are tested in the Case Mangement Nurse Exam:

Clinical Practice
Management of Data
Resource Management
Processes of Quality Management
Legal and Ethical Considerations
Principles of Education/Learning
Tools of Case Management Practice
Professional Development

Study Guide and Preparation for Case Mangement Nurse Exam:

CMNE - Case Management Nurse Exam Study Guide

While preparing for the Case Mangement Nurse Exam you are to make sure that you are covering each and every topic of the subject. You can take the references from the Case Mangement Nurse Exam study guide that will allow you familiarize with the examination format and prepare well for the examination.

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