Ambulatory Care Nursing Exam ACNE Test Preparation Study Guide

Ambulatory care nursing is a unique form of nursing characterized by rapid and focused assessments of patients. Because an ambulatory care nurse has to care and cure a vast population of patients, the need for a conceptual framework arises which specifies (1) unique concepts of ambulatory care nursing, and (2) linking these core concepts with ambulatory care nursing. As an ambulatory care nurse a candidate has to face numerous challenges as well as get great autonomous opportunities.

Format Of Ambulatory Care Nursing Examination (ACNE):

The examination consists of 175 questions of which 150 are scored while 25 are pre test. Since the pretest questions cannot be distinguished from the scored questions so it is important that a candidate answer all questions.

The candidate is tested based on the performance in the questions sked from the following content areas:

Clinical Practice:

38 questions are asked from this section constituting 25.33% of the examination.


30 questions are asked from this section constituting 20% of the examination.

Issues and Trends:

This section constitutes 14.67% of the examination i.e. 22 questions.


This section contributes 22 questions to the test and constitutes 14.67% of the examination.


38 questions are asked from this section constituting 25.33% of the examination.

Study Guide and Preparation Ambulatory Care Nursing Examination (ACNE):

ACNE - Ambulatory Care Nursing Exam Study Guide

While preparing for the Ambulatory care nursing exam you are to make sure that you are covering each and every topic of the subject. You can take the references from the Ambulatory care nursing examination study guide that will allow you familiarize with the examination format and prepare well for the examination.

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