Nursing - CCTN - Certified Clinical Transplant Nurse Exam Study Guide

Certified clinical transplant nurse examination is the certification program designed for those nurses who aid transplant physicians. The CCTN exam is organized by the American Board for transplant certification. The CCTNs examination tests the capability of physician aided nurse to work for the patients care under transplant surgeries.

Format for CCTN - Certified Clinical Transplant Nurse Exam

The CCTN exam consists of 150 questions in a multiple choice format. There are 25 questions besides this which are contented under pre testing. The time allotted for the exam is 3 hours. The results for the exam are reported to be passed or fail by the central supervisor at the end of the exam. These exams are conducted over more than 170 centers across the United States. The cost for applying on these exams is $425. Even online applications are also addressed and the payments are made through credit cards. The CCTN examination covers the following subject matters-

  1. Pre transplantation care
  2. Post transplantation monitoring and maintenance
  3. Pharmacological Therapeutics
  4. Educational and discharge
  5. Professional  responsibilities

    CCTN Study guide contents

    • Panel Reactive Antibody
    • Pre-Transplant Virology Screening
    • Human Leukocyte Antigen
    • Crossmatching
    • Psychosocial Evaluation
    • Psychological Factors
    • Kidney-Pancreas Transplant
    • Demographics
    • Immunizations
    • Antigen Systems
    • Bilateral Lung Transplant
    • Transplant Organ Rejection.
    • Post-Transplant Occult Fever
    • Immune Tolerance
    • Hyperacute Rejection
    • Early Accelerated Rejection
    • Hypomagnesemia
    • Immunosuppressive Therapy
    • Induction Therapy
    • Calcineurin Inhibitors
    • Heterotopic Transplantation
    • Heart Allograft Rejection
    • Endomyocardial Biopsies
    • Renal Transplant
    • Acute Tubular Necrosis
    • Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy
    • Banff 97 Grading System
    • Pancreas Allograft
    • Hepatic Encephalopathy
    • Post Operative Liver Rejection
    • Bacterial Peritonitis
    • Hepatorenal Syndrome
    • Intestinal Transplant
    • Nutritional Absorption
    • Radioallergosorbent Testing
    • Donor Nephrectomy
    • Autonomy
    • Strongyloides Stercoralis Infestations
    • Ultrasonography
    • Focal Brain Syndrome
    • Osteopenia And Osteoporosis
    • Neurocognitive Deficits
    • Religious Beliefs
    • Four Stages Of Learning
    • Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole
    • Acyclovir
    • Fluconazole
    • Cholangitis
    • Roux-En-Y Choledocojejunostomy
    • Sternotomy Infection

    Study Guide and Preparation for CCTN - Certified Clinical Transplant Nurse Exam

    CCTN Exam is something that you cant take lightly. It can open up the doors for bigger opportunities for you. It is just like a gateway to enter bigger programs and better job opportunities. For the preparation you can take the help of CCTN Study guide that will help you familiarize with the examination format and content and prepare yourself in a better way.

    Click here to order CCTN Exam Secrets (printed book)

    Click here to order CCTN Exam Secrets (ebook download)

    Click here to order CCTN Exam Secrets (Flash Cards)

    How to Prepare for Multiple Choice Questions

    Tips and tricks that can help you prepare for multiple choice questions and increase your mark. Prepared by professionals these tricks help you excel in Certified Clinical Transplant Nurse multiple choice exam.

     How to answer multiple choice

    CCTN Multiple Choice Strategies Guide

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