FTCE Drama 6-12 Exam Study Guide

Drama is an extensive art which requires perfectly skilled, talented and artistic educator to teach. The educator should not only know the fundamentals of dramatics but should be keenly fond of the various forms of it. To teach dramatics to the students an educator has to prove his competency to the education board. Florida Teacher Certification Exam is conducted by Florida Department of Education to give certification to the eligible educators. Candidate, who clears FTCE Drama Exam, gets the certification and permission to practice in Florida State.

Candidate can opt for any of the certification available with Florida Department of Education. This board offers professional as well as temporary certification. Both these certifications have different eligibility requirements and conditions. Candidate needs to fulfill these requirements before applying for the certification.

Eligibility for FTCE Drama Exam

To appear for FTCE Drama Exam, candidate needs to fulfill the eligibility conditions listed by the board. These eligibility conditions also serve as minimum educational qualification required for the certification.

  • For professional certification- Candidate needs to hold a bachelor degree and specialization in dramatics before applying for FLDOE certification. Professional certification is valid for five academic years and is renewable after the same duration.
  • For temporary certification- Candidate needs to have 2.5 GPA in dramatics and a bachelor degree with him. Candidate should keep in mind that temporary certification is non renewable and is valid for the period of three years only.

For both the certifications, candidate is required to submit finger prints report to the board. After this submission only, candidate will be granted with the certification.

Format of FTCE Drama Exam

FTCE Drama Exam includes topics from the vast arena of special art and skills. Hence candidate should study these topics nicely to perform well in the exam and get the certification. Topics included in FTCE Drama Exam are:-

  • Acting
  • Creative dramatics
  • Theatre- production and designing
  • Literature in dramatics
  • History of theatre
  • Directing
  • Playwriting

FTCE Drama Exam contains multiple choice questions which differ with each other in terms of format also. There are 120 objective questions in FTCE Drama Exam of following formats:-

  • Direct query
  • Sequential query (line up the various elements in correct sequence)
  • Graphical query
  • Complete the sentence
  • Situation analysis
  • Commanding query

Candidate is given 150 minutes to attempt FTCE Drama Exam. Candidates should practice well for the exam before encountering the real exam.

Study Guide And Test Preparation For FTCE Drama 6-12 Exam

FTCE Drama 6-12 Exam Study Guide

A Complete FTCE Drama 6-12 Exam Study Guide that includes sample questions, test tips and a complete study plan prepared by a team of expert and dedicated researchers. Cost-effective and qualified exam help from a committed exam preparation company.

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