CLEP Western Civilization II Exam Study Guide

The Western Civilization II: 1648 to the Present examination covers material that is generally taught in the second semester of a two-semester course in Western Civilization. Inquiries spread European history from the mid-seventeenth century through the post-Second World War period including political, monetary, and social advancements, for example, Scientific Thought, the Enlightenment, the French and Industrial Revolutions, and the First and Second World Wars.

Candidates may be solicited to pick the right definition from an authentic term, select the chronicled figure whose political perspective is depicted, distinguish the right relationship between two recorded components, or identify the off base matching of a person with a verifiable occasion. Gatherings of inquiries may oblige contender to translate, assess, or relate the substance of a section, a guide, a photo, or a toon to the next data, or to examine and utilize the information contained in a chart or table.

Syllabus of the CLEP Western Civilization II Exam

Inquiries on the Western Civilization II examination oblige contender to show one or a greater amount of the accompanying capacities:

1. Understanding critical truthful learning of improvements in Western Civilization

2. Capacity to recognize the circumstances and end results of major verifiable occasions

3. Capacity to investigate, decipher, and assess text based and realistic materials

4. Capacity to recognize the significant from the unimportant

5. Capacity to achieve conclusions on the premise of certainties

The topic of the Western Civilization II examination is drawn from the accompanying points. The rates by the fundamental subjects demonstrate the surmised rates of exam inquiries on those points.

A. Absolutism and Constitutionalism, 16481715 - 7%9%

B. Rivalry for realm and financial extension - 4%6%

C. The logical perspective of the world - 5%7%

D. Time of Enlightenment - 7%9%

E. Upset and Napoleonic Europe - 10%13%

F. The Industrial Revolution - 7%9%

G. Political and social improvements, 18151848 - 6%8%

H. Governmental issues and discretion in the Age of Nationalism, 18501914 - 8%10%

I. Economy, society, and government, 18501914 - 7%9%

J. The First World War and the Russian Revolution - 10%12%

K. Europe between the wars - 7%9%

L. The Second World War and contemporary Europe - 8%-10%

Format of the CLEP Western Civilization II Exam

The examination contains 120 inquiries to be replied in 90 minutes. Some of these are pretest inquiries that won't be scored. At whatever time competitors spend on instructional exercises and giving individual data is in addition to actual testing time.

Study Guide And Test Preparation For CLEP Western Civilization II Exam

CLEP Western Civilization II Exam Study Guide

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