Certified Government Auditing Professional Exam CGAP Test Preparation Study Guide

The Certified Government Auditing Professional (CGAP) is designed for and by internal auditing practitioners. The purpose of the exam is to test a candidate's knowledge of the unique features of public-sector internal auditing.

Format Of The Certified Government Auditing Professional (CGAP) Exam:

The Certified Government Auditing Professional Exam is administered in computer-based format. It consists of 125 multiple-choice questions which the candidates need to answer in 3 hours and 15 minutes of time. The content covered in the exam is divided in the following 4 domains:

Domain I- Standards, Governance, and Risk/Control Frameworks (10-20%)
A. Standards
Role of a comprehensive set of auditing/evaluation standard
Application of appropriate standards in all assignments
Role and impact of other auditing standards (standards of public accounting bodies, quality assurance bodies, etc.) and their relationship with the above standards
B. Governance
Governance in the public sector (e.g., audit committee, code of conduct, open government, public scrutiny, equity, accountability)
Role of audit within the governance structure
C. Risk/Control Frameworks (e.g., COSO, CoCo)
Role of frameworks
Elements of a risk/control framework
Application of frameworks
D. IIA Code of Ethics
Domain II - Government Auditing Practice (35-45%)
A. Management of the Audit Function
Need for a formal document of purpose, authority, and responsibility
Policies and procedures
Quality assurance
Marketing the audit function
Mission/role/outcome of audit function within government
B. Types of Audit Services
Audits of compliance
Audits of performance/value-for-money/operations (e.g., economy, efficiency, effectiveness)
Audits of financial statements
Audits of financial systems
Audits of information and related technology
Consulting/assistance services (e.g., non-audit advisory services) Integrity services (e.g., Fraud, Waste, and Abuse)
C. Processes for Delivery of Audit Service
Management of individual projects
Planning (The role of laws, regulations, rules, and ordinances in your planning process should be considered in the planning process)
Risk and control assessment practices
Performing the engagement
Communicating results
Monitoring results (follow-up)
Domain III - Government Auditing Skills and Techniques (20-25%)
Management Concepts and Techniques
Performance Measurement
Program Evaluation
Quantitative Methods (e.g., statistical methods and analytical review)
Qualitative Methods (e.g., questionnaires, interviews, and flow charts)
Methods for the Identification and Investigation of Integrity Violations
Research/Data Collection Techniques
Analytical Skills (e.g., distinguish between significant and insignificant information)
Domain IV - Government Auditing Environment (20-25%)
A. Performance Management
B. Financial Management
Unique requirements in accounting for and reporting on government financial operations
Principles of taxation and revenue generation
Unique aspects of governmental budgeting (e.g., encumbrances, earmarking)
Government accounting (e.g., fund accounting, resource accounting)
Legal restrictions on sources and uses of funds (e.g., voted funds, conditional grants, revenues)
Investment restrictions for public funds
Activity-based costing/cost-allocation
C. Implications of Various Service Delivery Methods
Direct delivery by government employees
Joint Ventures/Partnerships/Authorities/Special Operating Agencies/Quasi-governmental
D. Implications of Delivering Services to Citizens
Due process rights of clients/citizens
Confidentiality/privacy/rights of clients/citizens
Issues arising from the methods of funding/delivering services (condition that client receiving service may not be party paying for the services; ability-to-pay principle; user pay; eligibility requirements; limitations on services available; entitlements; etc.)
Reality of conflicting missions (e.g., satisfy both developers and environmentalists, keep families together and kids safe)
Issues associated with at-risk populations (e.g., multiple, interacting causes and conditions; difficulty of measuring prevention)
E. Unique Characteristics of Human Resources Management
F. Unique Purchasing and Procurement Requirements

Study Guide and Test Preparation for the Certified Government Auditing Professional Exam CGAP

CGAP - Certified Government Auditing Professional Exam Study Guide

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How to Prepare for Multiple Choice Questions

Tips and tricks that can help you prepare for multiple choice questions and increase your mark. Prepared by professionals these tricks help you excel in Certified Government Auditing Professional multiple choice exam.

 How to answer multiple choice

CGAP Multiple Choice Strategies Guide

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