Free CSC Exam Practice Questions

Q.1 A young boy presents with protestations of chest pain which expands on coughing and profound relaxing. Throughout auscultation, the medical caretaker finds that heart sounds are stifled. What is the undoubtedly reason for his condition?

A. Aortic dissection

B. Dressler syndrome

C. Myocardial infarction

D. Viral infection

Q.2 A patient is being discharged from doctor's facility after improving from familial congestive heart disappointment. His child was on edge to know whether the illness could be averted by lifestyle alteration or prophylactic pharmaceuticals. What counsel ought to the going to attendant provide for him?

A. Avoid liquor and smoking, uphold fitting circulatory strain, decrease salt and liquid admission, and look after a dynamic lifestyle

B. Treatment of co-morbidities is sufficient to anticipate movement of disease

C. Avoiding liquor and smoking and eating regimen holding low sodium and fat are enough

D. Nothing needs to be carried out aside from keeping up an active lifestyle

Q.3 Which of the accompanying set of ailments is connected with valvular coronary illness?

A. Systemic lupus erythematosus, syphilis, Marfan syndrome, carcinoid syndrome

B. Amyloidosis, Tuberculosis, Sjogren syndrome

C. Rheumatic fever, collagen vascular ailment

D. Ankylosing spondylitis, Leprosy

Q.4 The medical attendant gets the blood test reports for a patient who was conceded to healing facility with dissentions of midsection torment. The report indicates a raised level of CKMB. What does this report imply in this patient?

A. Damage to myocardium

B. Damage to intercostals muscles

C. Liver damage

D. None

Q.5 A patient presents with protestations of wooziness and dizziness and history of one scene of syncope. The attendant record his pulse rate as 40/minute and blood pressure as 90/70 mm Hg. His EKG discoveries are suggestive of second-degree sort II AV piece. What ought to be the objective of medication in this patient?

A. Increase the heart rate

B. Restore sinus rhythm and support cardiovascular output

C. Increase blood pressure

D. Improve blood supply to fundamental organs

Q.6 A patient of peripheral arterial disease is being discharged from hospital. What guidance ought to be given by the medical caretaker about foot care?

A. Clean feet utilizing delicate scrubber and keep dry

B. Clean the foot by rubbing with pumice stone

C. Wash and saturate feet every day; wear thick socks and agreeable shoes

D. Clean feet and customarily walk shoeless in morning

Q.7 A patient was wanting to experience Mitral valve supplanting surgery. He was on warfarin help for Atrial Fibrillation. What alteration ought to the attendant do with the anticoagulant prescription?

A. Stop warfarin upon the arrival of surgery

B. Stop warfarin 4-5 days before surgery

C. Stop warfarin 4-5 days preceding surgery; concede and begin on IV heparin; stop IV heparin 2-3 hours preop

D. Continue warfarin help

Q.8 A male smoker presents with agony in his extremities after activity. He likewise complains of color changes in his digits when presented to icy. Which of the accompanying sicknesses need to be discounted before acknowledging a judgment of Buerger's ailment?

A. Systemic lupus erythematosus, diabetes, hypercoagulable conditions, scleroderma

B. Bleeding issue, dyslipidemia, systemic lupus erythematosus

C. Bleeding issue, diabetes, hypertension, vasculitis

D. Hypercoagulable states, issue of lipid digestion system, polyarteritis nodosa

Q.9 A patient presents with intense Arterial Occlusion of one of his upper limbs. Which of the accompanying pills ought to the attendant plan to direct to the patient?

A. Warfarin

B. Heparin

C. Streptokinase

D. Urokinase

Q.10 A patient is wearing Holter screen. What guidelines ought to the medical caretaker provide for take after throughout following?

A. Stop all his standard medications

B. Maintain an action journal of his physical activities

C. Restrict physical activity

D. Do strenuous activity

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Correct Answers for CSC Exam with Explanation

Answer 1.(D) The manifestations and indications of this patient are suggestive of pericarditis. In teenagers, pericarditis is most generally brought about by adenovirus or Coxsackie infection.

Answer 2. (B) The medical attendant ought to educate that the patient with respect to familial congestive heart disappointment can lessen the degree and level of ailment through thought toward oneself and legitimate sickness administration, despite the fact that they can't keep the onset. So as to reduction sickness movement, people ought to stay away from liquor and pill utilization, abstain from smoking, administer legitimate circulatory strain, consume an eating methodology low in immersed fats and sodium, lessen liquid admission, treat other co-morbidities and look after an active lifestyle.

Answer 3. (A) The conditions that have been connected with valvular disease incorporate systemic lupus erythematosus, cardiomyopathy, syphilis, hypertension, aneurysms, connective tissue issue, carcinoid syndrome, metabolic issue, pharmaceutical and radiation treatment.

Answer 4.(A) Cardiac proteins get lifted in states of harm to myocardium. CKMB is one of the imperative heart catalysts used to assess the harm to myocardium.

Answer 5. (B) Treatment of second-degree atrioventricular block type II fluctuates on the degree and level of the condition and the vicinity of other comorbid cardiovascular conditions. The objective of medicine is to restore sinus musicality and support heart yield.

Answer 6. (C) Patients with peripheral arterial disease and discontinuous claudication ought to keep up their feet to keep the onset of complications, for example, contaminations and gangrene. Patients ought to wash their feet every day and saturate them, wear thick socks and agreeable shoes, instantly treat parasitic contaminations, trim toe nails, abstain from strolling unshod, and promptly have bruises and open wounds treated.

Answer 7. (C) For patients taking anticoagulants like warfarin, stop 4-5 days before surgery; concede and begin on IV heparin if high danger of thrombosis (vast left chamber, atrial fibrillation, mitral valve prosthesis). IV heparin ought to be ceased 2-3 hours preop( (unless on intra-aortic blow up pump (IABP) help).

Answer 8.(A) Blood tests are utilized as screening devices to help in judgment of Buerger's infection. Tests are carried out to preclude scleroderma, lupus, diabetes and other blood coagulating conditions. Allen test is utilized to survey guilt stream to the conscience and feet. Angiography, ultrasound, and echocardiography might be utilized to evaluate vascular stream.

Answer 9. (B) Management of intense acute arterial occlusion is quick heparinization with 5000iu bolus and continuous implantation to uphold PTT > 60.

Answer 10.(B) While wearing a Holter screen, patients ought to administer an action journal so that any aberrance be connected to this movement. Then again, the journal may exhibit that no irregularity with specific exercises. Patients ought to proceed with recommended drugs and complete ordinary exercises since the basic role of a Holter screen is to help in judgment and to focus triggers for atypical readings. The screen ought to be utilized throughout the night as some heart anomalies happen throughout slumber.

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