AP Comparative Government & Politics Exam Study Guide

Advance Placement Comparative Government and Politics (or AP Comparative Government and Politics) is an examination given by the College Board through the Advanced Placement Program. It tests subjects regularly taught in early on school similar government or relative governmental issues courses.

The nations whose legislative issues, political organizations, approach making, and political societies are analyzed by this AP test are:

Nigeria Federal Republic of (Nigeria)

Iran Islamic Republic of (Iran)

China People's Republic of (China)

Russia Russian Federation (Russia)

United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Great Britain)

Mexico United Mexican States (Mexico)

Note: For testing purposes, the College Board utilizes the names as a part of brackets when making reference to these sovereign elements.

Syllabus Of The AP Comparative Government & Politics Exam

Examination data accommodated this AP test by the College Board expresses that understudies taking the examination are addressed about the accompanying themes in the setting of the countries indicated over: (The rates refered to apply just to the numerous decision area of the examination.)

Political Institutions (35%)

Sway, Authority, and Power (20%)

Residents, Society, and the State (15%)

Political and Economic Change (15%)

Open Policy (10%)

Prologue to Comparative Politics (5%)

With a specific end goal to better match a normal starting school course, a few progressions were made to the course and the exam in the fall of 2005. These progressions include: More noteworthy accentuation on examination of ideas and subjects

Moving center to scope of six center nations (China, Great Britain, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, and Russia)

Accentuation on topics, for example, native state relations, democratization, globalization, political change, and open arrangement.

Format Of The AP Comparative Government & Politics Exam

The examination comprises of 55 different decision inquiries and 8 "free reaction" questions, which oblige composed answers. Each of those areas of the exam represents 50% of the score earned by test takers. The examination is timed: 45 minutes is took into account the different decision area; 100 minutes is considered the "free reaction" segment.

Study Guide And Test Preparation For AP Comparative Government & Politics Exam

 AP Comparative Government & Politics Exam Study Guide

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